Advisor: Elena Manferdini
This project explores the process of taking an image and converting it to a tapestry, where the pixels become knots.
Advisor: Elena Manferdini
This project explores the process of taking an image and converting it to a tapestry, where the pixels become knots.
Advisor: Andrew Zago
This project begins to challenge the idea of the corner, and how it is understood in two versus three dimensions. The way a piece of paper folds around the corner is much different than when something with volume attempts to do the same thing. The moment when thickness is given to the paper is when strange things begin to appear. How one deals with this resultant excess or void material is an area of interest.
Advisor: Casey Rehm
This project begins to challenge the idea of scripting as a method of developing form. This was achieved by using a robot, a fifty pound block of wax, and a heat gun. Using Processing as the software to drive the operations, a script was developed to produce a 3D mesh of the block of wax using the Xbox Kinect (IR Scanner) controller. The script then told the tool (heat gun) to find the point on the mesh with the steepest normal and to track to adjacent points around it without travelling over the same points. This process of seeking the greatest normal is repeated over and over, hoping to produce a feedback loop that continually seeks and exaggerates the steepest normals.
Advisor: Jason Payne
In Albania, the environment is littered with 750,000 Bunkers that are the remnants of a hyper-paranoid dictator’s rule. Enver Hoxha was certain that his country would be attacked, and as a result he began to create a bunker for every citizen. Years later these bunkers remain a memory of this country’s strange history. Being too large or too expensive to remove, they have begun to be reimagined and repurposed - some going as far as being made into accommodations for tourists. Similar to these bunkers, Asteroids are objects that litter space. This project begins to challenge techniques of representation and to reimagine bunkers and asteroids.
Advisor: Florencia Pita
This project dealt with both representation and 3D printing technology. An object was produced using techniques in Maya to simulate melting. Once produced, it was then 3D printed with both image and texture mapping. Finally, a segment of the model was extract and aggregated into tiles. These tiles were then 3D printed out of ceramic. Exploring the rendering techniques of David Hockney, the objects were explored.
Advisor: Anna Neimark
This problem dealt with the notion of intersection - where the projection of two letterforms produce an entirely new three dimensional form. Using Grasshopper, the letters were deformed and projected onto one another forming the final product.
Advisor: Dwayne Oyler
Clarinets were used to help gain an understanding of latent geometry and architectural representation. By using different drawing techniques such as section, elevation, and axonometric views, drawings were produced exploring the instrument.